Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate and execute Cooperative
Agreement No. C-3-2950 between the Orange County Transportation Authority and
the California Department of Transportation, in the amount of $11,305,400, for
right-of-way support services, right-of-way acquisition, and utility relocation costs for
the Interstate 5 Improvement Project between Oso Parkway and Alicia Parkway.
This decreases the right-of-way funding for this project segment by $1,679,600.
Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate and execute Cooperative
Agreement No. C-3-2951 between the Orange County Transportation Authority and
the California Department of Transportation, in the amount of $28,788,000, for
right-of-way support services, right-of-way acquisition, and utility relocation costs for
the Interstate 5 Improvement Project between Alicia Parkway and El Toro Road.
This increases the right-of-way funding for this project segment by $1,746,000.
Authorize the use of up to $16,087,400 in additional Measure M2 funds for the
right-of-way phase of the Interstate 5 Improvement Project between State Route 73
and El Toro Road.
Authorize staff to process all necessary amendments to the Federal Transportation
Improvement Program and execute or amend all necessary agreements to facilitate
the above actions.
Amendment to Agreement for Additional Design Services for State Route 91
Improvement Project Between Acacia Street and La Palma Avenue
Jeannie Lee/James G. Beil
On July 13, 2020, the Orange County Transportation Authority Board of Directors
authorized an agreement with T.Y. Lin International, for the preparation of plans,
specifications, and estimates for the State Route 91 Improvement Project between Acacia
Street and La Palma Avenue. An amendment to the existing agreement is required for
additional design services.
Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate and execute Amendment No. 3 to
Agreement No. C-0-2073 between the Orange County Transportation Authority and T.Y.
Lin International, in the amount of $968,914, for additional design services for the State
Route 91 Improvement Project between Acacia Street and La Palma Avenue. This will
increase the maximum cumulative obligation of the agreement to a total contract value of