Measure M2 2024 Update: Next 10 Delivery Plan
Francesca Ching/Kia Mortazavi
The Measure M2 Next 10 Delivery Plan aims to strategically deliver Measure M2 freeway,
roadway, transit, and environmental projects. A comprehensive review of the M2 Next 10
Delivery Plan was recently conducted to incorporate updates to the Measure M2 sales tax
revenue forecast, external funding assumptions, and project information. As a result of this
review, staff has prepared the 2024 update of the Measure M2 Next 10 Delivery Plan. The
2024 update verifies the realization of Measure M2 near-term commitments through fiscal
year 2033-34, maintains fiscal sustainability, and strives to deliver transportation benefits
expeditiously to the benefit of the Orange County community. The draft update is presented
to the Board of Directors for review and approval.
Adopt the 2024 Measure M2 Next 10 Delivery Plan.
Direct staff to continue to work with Metrolink to develop a financially sustainable
service plan.
Direct staff to continue monitoring revenue and project cost shifts that could affect
the delivery plan and, if necessary, report to the Board of Directors with changes.
Principles for 405 Express Lanes Excess Toll Revenue Policy and Expenditure
Adriann Cardoso/Kia Mortazavi
Under state law, the Orange County Transportation Authority can use future 405 Express
Lanes excess toll revenues for maintenance and improvements to the Interstate 405
corridor. At the October 14, 2024, Board of Directors meeting, following a review of the
agreements and statutory requirements associated with the development of the future 405
Express Lanes Excess Toll Revenue Expenditure Plan, the Board of Directors directed
staff to develop principles to help guide the use of excess toll revenues and the preparation
of the expenditure plan. These principles are presented for Board of Directors review and
Approve the principles for developing the 405 Express Lanes Excess Toll Revenue
Policy and the future 405 Express Lanes Excess Toll Revenue Expenditure Plan.