Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Director Harper
Closed Session
There are no Closed Session items scheduled.
Special Calendar
There are no Special Calendar matters.
Consent Calendar (Items 1 through 6)
All items on the Consent Calendar are to be approved in one motion unless a Committee
Member or a member of the public requests separate action or discussion on a specific item.
Approval of Minutes
Clerk of the Board
Approve the minutes of the October 2, 2023 Regional Transportation Planning Committee
Cooperative Agreements with the California Department of Transportation for the
Interstate 5 Improvement Project Between State Route 73 and El Toro Road for
Right-of-Way Capital and Support Services
Niall Barrett/James G. Beil
On October 12, 2015, the Orange County Transportation Authority Board of Directors approved
a cooperative agreement between the Orange County Transportation Authority and the California
Department of Transportation for right-of-way support services, right-of-way acquisition, and
utility relocation for the Interstate 5 Improvement Project between State Route 73 and El Toro
Road. Board of Directors’ approval is requested, pursuant to the California Department of
Transportation’s current requirement and request that there be a separate agreement for each
project segment, to negotiate and execute three new cooperative agreements to replace the
original cooperative agreement, and to include additional funding for right-of-way support
services, right-of-way acquisition, and utility relocation.
Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate and execute Cooperative Agreement
No. C-3-2902, between the Orange County Transportation Authority and the California
Department of Transportation, in the amount of $53,693,000, for right-of-way support
services, right-of-way acquisition, and utility relocation costs for the Interstate 5
Improvement Project between State Route 73 and Oso Parkway. This increases the
right-of-way funding for this project segment by $16,021,000.
Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate and execute Cooperative Agreement
No. C-3-2950 between the Orange County Transportation Authority and the California
Department of Transportation, in the amount of $11,305,400, for right-of-way support
services, right-of-way acquisition, and utility relocation costs for the Interstate 5
Improvement Project between Oso Parkway and Alicia Parkway. This decreases the