Orange County Transportation Authority  
Regional Transportation Planning Committee Agenda  
Monday, August 5, 2024 at 10:30 a.m.  
Board Room, 550 South Main Street, Orange, California  
Committee Members  
Andrew Do, Chair  
Jamey Federico, Vice Chair  
Jon Dumitru  
Katrina Foley  
Patrick Harper  
Farrah N. Khan  
John Stephens  
Any person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate  
in this meeting should contact the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Clerk of the  
Board's office at (714) 560-5676, no less than two business days prior to this meeting to enable  
OCTA to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting.  
Agenda Descriptions  
Agenda descriptions are intended to give members of the public a general summary of items of  
business to be transacted or discussed. The posting of the recommended actions does not  
indicate what action will be taken. The Committee may take any action which it deems to be  
appropriate on the agenda item and is not limited in any way by the notice of the recommended  
Public Availability of Agenda Materials  
All documents relative to the items referenced in this agenda are available for public inspection at  
Main Street, Orange, California.  
Meeting Access and Public Comments on Agenda Items  
Members of the public can either attend in-person or listen to audio live streaming of the Board  
In-Person Comment  
Members of the public may attend in-person and address the Board regarding any item within the  
subject matter jurisdiction of OCTA. Please complete a speaker’s card and submit it to the Clerk  
of the Board and notify the Clerk regarding the agenda item number on which you wish to speak.  
Speakers will be recognized by the Chair at the time of the agenda item is to be considered by  
the Board. Comments will be limited to three minutes. The Brown Act prohibits the Board from  
either discussing or taking action on any non-agendized items.  
Written Comment  
Written public comments may also be submitted by emailing them to, and  
must be sent by 5:00 p.m. the day prior to the meeting. If you wish to comment on a specific  
agenda Item, please identify the Item number in your email. All public comments that are timely  
received will be part of the public record and distributed to the Board. Public comments will be  
made available to the public upon request.  
Call to Order  
Pledge of Allegiance  
Director Federico  
Closed Session  
There are no Closed Session items scheduled.  
Special Calendar  
There are no Special Calendar matters.  
Consent Calendar (Items 1 through 5)  
All items on the Consent Calendar are to be approved in one motion unless a Committee  
Member or a member of the public requests separate action or discussion on a specific item.  
Approval of Minutes  
Clerk of the Board  
Approve the minutes of the July 1, 2024 Regional Transportation Planning Committee  
Transportation for the Interstate 5 Improvement Project Between Alicia Parkway  
and El Toro Road  
Niall Barrett/James G. Beil  
On November 11, 2019, the Orange County Transportation Authority Board of Directors  
approved a cooperative agreement between the Orange County Transportation Authority  
and the California Department of Transportation for construction capital and construction  
support services for the Interstate 5 Improvement Project between Alicia Parkway and El  
Toro Road, which is Segment 3 of the Interstate 5 Improvement Project between State  
Route 73 and El Toro Road. Board of Directors’ approval is requested to amend the  
cooperative agreement for additional funding for construction support services.  
Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate and execute Amendment No. 2 to  
Cooperative Agreement No. C-9-1600 between the Orange County Transportation  
Authority and the California Department of Transportation, in the amount of  
$5,900,000, for additional construction capital and construction support services for  
the Interstate 5 Improvement Project between Alicia Parkway and El Toro Road.  
This will increase the maximum cumulative obligation of the cooperative agreement  
to a total contract value of $162,085,000.  
Authorize the use of up to $5,900,000 in Measure M2 funds for the construction  
phase of the Interstate 5 Improvement Project between Alicia Parkway and El Toro  
Authorize staff to process all necessary amendments to the Federal Transportation  
Improvement Program and execute or amend all necessary agreements to facilitate  
the above actions.  
Amendment to Agreement for Construction Management Support Services for the  
Interstate 5 Improvement Project Between Alicia Parkway and El Toro Road  
Niall Barrett/James G. Beil  
On April 13, 2020, the Orange County Transportation Authority Board of Directors  
approved a contract with Jacobs Project Management Co., to provide construction  
management support services for the Interstate 5 Improvement Project between Alicia  
Parkway and El Toro Road as part of the Interstate 5 Improvement Project between State  
Route 73 and El Toro Road. An amendment to the existing agreement is needed to  
provide additional funding for construction management support services.  
Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate and execute Amendment No. 8 to  
Agreement No. C-9-1605 between the Orange County Transportation Authority and  
Jacobs Project Management Co., in the amount of $3,699,869, for additional construction  
management support services for the Interstate 5 Improvement Project between Alicia  
Parkway and El Toro Road. This will increase the maximum cumulative obligation of the  
agreement to a total contract value of $15,781,634.  
Competitive Grant Programs - Update and Recommendations  
Louis Zhao/Kia Mortazavi  
The Orange County Transportation Authority provides competitive grants to local and  
non-profit agencies beyond those provided through Measure M2 using various local, state,  
and federal transportation funding programs. Additionally, the Orange County  
Transportation Authority applies for regional, state, and federal competitive grant programs  
to support Orange County Transportation Authority-sponsored projects. Staff has prepared  
an overview and status update for local agency projects which have received funds, recent  
grant pursuits and awards for Orange County Transportation Authority projects, and  
recommendations for changes to grant terms for local agency projects.  
Approve delay requests from the cities of San Clemente and Santa Ana for Bicycle  
Corridor Improvement Program projects, contingent on final approval by the  
Southern California Association of Governments.  
Authorize staff to request that the Southern California Association of Governments  
make all necessary amendments to the Federal Transportation Improvement  
Program and for staff to execute any required agreements or amendments to  
facilitate the recommendations above.  
2025 Annual  
M2 Comprehensive  
Transportation Funding Programs  
Charvalen Alacar/Kia Mortazavi  
The Orange County Transportation Authority provides grants to local agency projects to  
improve the regional roadway network and coordinate traffic signals. The Measure M2  
Comprehensive Transportation Funding Programs guidelines provide the mechanism for  
administration of the annual competitive call for streets and roads projects. The 2025  
Regional Capacity Program (Project O) and Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization  
Program (Project P) guidelines and call for projects are presented for review and approval.  
Approve proposed revisions to the Comprehensive Transportation Funding  
Programs guidelines.  
Authorize staff to issue the 2025 annual call for projects for the Regional Capacity  
Authorize staff to issue the 2025 annual call for projects for the Regional Traffic  
Signal Synchronization Program.  
Regular Calendar  
South Orange County Transportation Projects Update  
Charlie Larwood/Kia Mortazavi  
In October 2021, the Board of Directors approved an agreement with the County of Orange  
and the City of San Clemente to work cooperatively on key south Orange County  
transportation projects. The projects include a non-tolled extension of Los Patrones  
Parkway, widening a portion of Ortega Highway, and a southerly extension of the Interstate  
5 high-occupancy vehicle lanes. Significant progress has been made in the project  
development process, and a status report is provided for review.  
Receive and file as an information item.  
Discussion Items  
Update on the Interstate 5 Improvement Project Between State Route 73 and El  
Toro Road  
Niall Barrett/James G. Beil  
Construction activities continue on the Interstate 5 Improvement Project Between State  
Route 73 and El Toro Road. This presentation provides a status of the latest progress and  
upcoming milestones.  
Public Comments  
Chief Executive Officer's Report  
Committee Members' Reports  
The next regularly scheduled meeting of this Committee will be held:  
10:30 a.m. on THURSDAY, August 29, 2024  
OCTA Headquarters  
550 South Main Street  
Orange, California