Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan - Annual Review and Update
Matthew DesRosier
The Federal Transit Administration requires that every agency receiving federal funds
through Section 5307 Urbanized Area Formula Program must develop
Transportation Agency Safety Plan for its transit system. The Board of Directors adopted
the Orange County Transportation Authority’s Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan on
May 11, 2020.
Through the required annual program review process, staff is
recommending updates for Board of Directors’ approval.
A. Adopt newly required Federal Transit Administration 2025 Public Transportation
Agency Safety Plan performance measures and targets.
B. Approve the proposed 2025 Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan administrative
Competitive Grant Programs - Update and Recommendations
Louis Zhao/Rose Casey
The Orange County Transportation Authority provides competitive grants to local and
non-profit jurisdictions beyond those provided through Measure M2 using various federal,
state, and local transportation funding programs. The Orange County Transportation
Authority also directly applies for federal, state, and local competitive grant programs to
support Orange County Transportation Authority-led projects. Staff has prepared an
overview and status update for local jurisdiction projects that have received funds, recent
grant pursuits and awards for Orange County Transportation Authority projects, and
recommendations for changes to grant terms for local jurisdiction projects.
Approve one scope change and extension request from Sally’s Fund, Inc. for
operating assistance funded through the Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and
Disabled Grant Program.
Approve $4.687 million in Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement
program funds for the City of Huntington Beach’s Magnolia Street Corridor
Complete Streets Improvements Project from the contingency list from the Orange
County Complete Streets Program.