Orange County Transportation Authority  
Board Agenda  
Monday, November 27, 2023 at 9:00 a.m.  
550 South Main Street, Orange, California  
Board Members  
Gene Hernandez, Chairman  
Tam Nguyen, Vice Chairman  
Doug Chaffee  
Jose Diaz  
Andrew Do  
Jon Dumitru  
Jamey Federico  
Katrina Foley  
Brian Goodell  
Patrick Harper  
Michael Hennessey  
Steve Jones  
Fred Jung  
Farrah N. Khan  
Jessie Lopez  
Vicente Sarmiento  
Donald P. Wagner  
Vacant, Ex-Officio  
Any person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate  
in this meeting should contact the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Clerk of the  
Board's office at (714) 560-5676, no less than two business days prior to this meeting to enable  
OCTA to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting.  
Agenda Descriptions  
Agenda descriptions are intended to give members of the public a general summary of items of  
business to be transacted or discussed. The posting of the recommended actions does not  
indicate what action will be taken. The Committee may take any action which it deems to be  
appropriate on the agenda item and is not limited in any way by the notice of the recommended  
Public Availability of Agenda Materials  
All documents relative to the items referenced in this agenda are available for public inspection at  
Main Street, Orange, California.  
Meeting Access and Public Comments on Agenda Items  
Members of the public can either attend in-person or listen to audio live streaming of the Board  
In-Person Comment  
Members of the public may attend in-person and address the Board regarding any item. Please  
complete a speaker’s card and submit it to the Clerk of the Board (or notify the Clerk of the Board  
the item number on which you wish to speak). Speakers will be recognized by the Chairman at the  
time the agenda item is to be considered. Comments shall be limited to three minutes.  
Written Comment  
Written public comments may also be submitted by emailing them to, and  
must be sent by 5:00 p.m. the day prior to the meeting. If you wish to comment on a specific  
agenda Item, please identify the Item number in your email. All public comments that are timely  
received will be part of the public record and distributed to the Board. Public comments will be  
made available to the public upon request.  
Call to Order  
Director Jones  
Pledge of Allegiance  
Director Harper  
Special Calendar  
Orange County Transportation Authority Special Calendar Matters  
Closed Session  
A Closed Session will be held as follows:  
Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 to discuss negotiations with Teamsters  
Local 952 regarding the coach operators.  
The lead negotiator for the Orange County  
Transportation Authority is Maggie McJilton, Executive Director of People and Community  
Engagement and Teamsters Local 952 representative.  
Presentation of Resolutions of Appreciation for Employees of the Month  
Present Orange County Transportation Authority Resolutions of Appreciation Nos.  
2023-066, 2023-067, and 2023-068 to Khai Tran, Coach Operator; Mister Davidson,  
Maintenance; Richard Teano, Administration, as Employees of the Month for November  
Proposed 2024 Board of Directors Meetings Calendar  
Andrea West/Jennifer L. Bergener  
Presented for consideration and approval are the proposed 2024 Board of Directors and  
Committee meetings calendars, depicting the dates of the Board of Directors and  
Committee meetings and holidays for the year.  
Approve the Orange County Transportation Authority and affiliated agencies 2024 Board  
of Directors meetings calendar.  
Consent Calendar (Items 4 through 16)  
All matters on the Consent Calendar are to be approved in one motion unless a Board Member or  
a member of the public requests separate action on a specific item.  
Orange County Transportation Authority Consent Calendar Matters  
Approval of Minutes  
Approve the minutes of the November 13, 2023 Orange County Transportation Authority  
and affiliated agencies' regular meeting.  
OCTA Store Operations, Internal Audit Report No. 24-504  
Jonathan Thompson/Janet Sutter  
The Internal Audit Department of the Orange County Transportation Authority has  
completed an audit of OCTA Store Operations. Based on the audit, controls are adequate  
and operating. Management has implemented standard operating procedures that ensure  
proper safeguarding of cash, transponders, and pass fare media and exercises  
appropriate security over the premises.  
Receive and file OCTA Store Operations, Internal Audit Report No. 24-504, as an  
information item.  
Orange County Employees Retirement System Early Payment for Fiscal Year  
Robert Davis/Andrew Oftelie  
The Orange County Employees Retirement System has offered an early payment discount  
to member agencies of seven percent if they elect to prepay their contributions for fiscal  
year 2024-25. Advance payments must be received by January 11, 2024. The estimated  
savings for the Orange County Transportation Authority over the next year and a half under  
this payment option will total approximately $345,000. Board of Directors’ authorization is  
requested for the early payment option.  
Authorize the early payment of approximately $34.8 million by January 11, 2024, to the  
Orange County Employees Retirement System, for employer contributions for fiscal year  
Fiscal Year 2022-23 Audited Financial Statements and Independent Auditor's  
Reports on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting  
Rima Tan/Andrew Oftelie  
The Orange County Transportation Authority is required to obtain an independent auditors  
opinion on various financial statements and schedules. Crowe LLP, an independent  
accounting firm, has completed its annual audit of the Orange County Transportation  
Authority for fiscal year 2022-23. In addition, a report has been issued on the results of  
additional analysis performed by Crowe LLP, to assist management in determining  
compliance with certain state requirements.  
Receive and file the fiscal year 2022-23 audited financial statements and  
independent auditor’s report on internal control over financial reporting as  
information items.  
Direct staff to implement auditor recommendations related to findings over internal  
Update on the Loan Agreements with the Cities of Anaheim, Placentia, and the  
West Orange County Water Board  
Sam Kaur/Andrew Oftelie  
The Orange County Transportation Authority Board of Directors authorized loan  
agreements with the cities of Anaheim, Placentia, and the West Orange County Water  
Board. This report provides the annual update on the status of each of these agreements  
as requested by the Board of Directors.  
Receive and file as an information item.  
Fiscal Year 2023-24 First Quarter Grant Reimbursement Status Report  
Sam Kaur/Andrew Oftelie  
The Quarterly Grant Reimbursement Status Report summarizes grant activities for the  
Orange County Transportation Authority Board of Directors. This report focuses on activity  
for the first quarter of fiscal year 2022-23, covering July through September 2023.  
Receive and file as an information item.  
Status Report of State Legislation Enacted in 2023  
Clara Brotcke/Lance M. Larson  
At the conclusion of the 2023 state legislative session, 890 bills were signed into law by  
Governor Newsom and chaptered by the Secretary of State, while 156 bills were vetoed. A  
report containing an analysis of legislation relevant to the Orange County Transportation  
Authority is provided.  
Receive and file as an information item.  
Performance Evaluation of State Legislative Advocate, Topp Strategies  
Alexis Leicht/Lance M. Larson  
The firm Topp Strategies provides state legislative advocacy services for the Orange  
County Transportation Authority. A staff evaluation of the services provided during this  
legislative session is presented to the Board of Directors for consideration and further  
Receive and file the staff evaluation of the state advocacy services of Topp Strategies as  
an information item and provide any additional comments.  
Performance Evaluation of Federal Legislative Advocate, Potomac Partners, DC  
Lance M. Larson  
The firm Potomac Partners, DC provides federal legislative advocacy services for the  
Orange County Transportation Authority in Washington, DC.  
A staff evaluation of the  
services provided this legislative session is presented to the Board of Directors for  
consideration and further comment.  
Receive and file the staff evaluation of the federal advocacy services of Potomac Partners,  
DC as an information item and provide any additional comments.  
Orange County Transportation Authority’s 2023-24 State and Federal Legislative  
Alexis Leicht/Lance M. Larson  
Halfway through each legislative session, staff conducts a refresh to the Orange County  
Transportation Authority’s State and Federal Legislative Platforms to ensure updates are  
provided on relevant issues that are anticipated to be of discussion for the upcoming year.  
The final drafts of the revised 2023-24 Orange County Transportation Authority State and  
Federal Legislative Platforms are submitted for consideration and adoption by the Orange  
County Transportation Authority Board of Directors.  
Adopt the revised final draft of the 2023-24 State and Federal Legislative  
Direct staff to distribute the adopted platforms to elected officials, advisory  
committees, local governments, affected agencies, the business community, and  
other interested parties.  
Orange County Transit District Consent Calendar Matters  
Approval to Release Invitation for Bids for Driver Protection System  
Cliff Thorne/Johnny Dunning, Jr.  
The Orange County Transportation has developed an invitation for bids to initiate a  
competitive procurement process to purchase driver protection systems for use in the OC  
Bus fixed-route service. Board of Directors’ approval to release an invitation for bids for  
the procurement of up to 204 driver protection systems to be installed as a retrofit in the  
fixed-route operated buses is requested.  
Approve the release of Invitation for Bids 3-2843 to procure driver protection systems to be  
installed as a retrofit in up to 204, 40-foot and 60-foot OC Bus fixed-route buses.  
Amendment to Agreement for Hydrogen Station Operation, Maintenance, and Fuel  
Dayle Withers/Johnny Dunning, Jr.  
On November 13, 2017, the Orange County Transportation Authority Board of Directors  
approved an agreement with Trillium USA Company LLC to install a fully operational  
hydrogen fueling station at the Santa Ana Bus Base to provide operation and maintenance  
service and deliver hydrogen fuel. An amendment is required to exercise the second  
option term for station operation and maintenance, and hydrogen fuel delivery.  
Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate and execute Amendment No. 8 to  
Agreement No. C-7-1577 between the Orange County Transportation Authority and Trillium  
USA Company LLC, in the amount of $625,049, to exercise the second option term of the  
agreement from January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024, for continued hydrogen  
station operation, maintenance, and hydrogen fuel delivery. This will increase the maximum  
obligation of the agreement to a total contract value of $8,651,734.  
Approval to Release Request for Proposals for Harbor Boulevard Pilot Innovative  
Transit Signal Priority Study  
Alicia Yang/Kia Mortazavi  
Harbor Boulevard is a vital central Orange County multimodal corridor that serves over  
10,000 daily passengers and 50,000 daily vehicles. The Orange County Transportation  
Authority has developed a request for proposals to initiate a competitive procurement  
process to retain consultant services for the preparation of a study that will focus on  
planning and testing transit signal priority solutions to enhance bus operations and  
reliability and improve the customer experience. Board of Directors’ approval is requested  
for the evaluation criteria and release the request for proposals.  
Approve the proposed evaluation criteria and weightings for Request for Proposals  
3-2944 for the selection of a consultant to perform the Harbor Boulevard Pilot  
Innovative Transit Signal Priority Study.  
Approve the release of Request for Proposals 3-2944 for consultant services to  
deliver the Harbor Boulevard Pilot Innovative Transit Signal Priority Study.  
Regular Calendar  
Orange County Transportation Authority Regular Calendar Matters  
Proposed Revisions to Orange County Transportation Authority’s Procurement  
Policies and Procedures  
Pia Veesapen/Andrew Oftelie  
The Orange County Transportation Authority Board of Directors has adopted policies and  
procedures that guide all procurement activities. The Board of Directors periodically  
reviews these policies and procedures and may make changes as necessary in an effort  
to conform to changing business needs while continuing to ensure procurements are  
conducted in a fair, transparent, and equitable manner for all vendors and provide for the  
best value and use of taxpayer dollars.  
Adopt the proposed revisions to the Orange County Transportation Authoritys  
Procurement Policies and Procedures and authorize staff to implement the recommended  
Amendment to Cooperative Agreement with the Southern California Regional Rail  
Authority for the San Juan Creek Bridge Replacement Project  
Jason Lee/James G. Beil  
On April 14, 2020, the Orange County Transportation Authority entered into a cooperative  
agreement with the Southern California Regional Rail Authority for construction capital and  
construction support services for the San Juan Creek Bridge Replacement Project. Board  
of Directors’ approval is requested to amend the cooperative agreement for additional  
funding for construction capital and construction support services.  
Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate and execute Amendment No. 1 to  
Cooperative Agreement No. C-0-2540 between the Orange County Transportation  
Authority and the Southern California Regional Rail Authority, in the amount of  
$22,578,258, for additional construction capital and construction support services  
for the San Juan Creek Bridge Replacement Project. This will increase the  
maximum cumulative obligation of the cooperative agreement to a total contract  
value of $59,481,903.  
Authorize the use of up to $17 million in SB 125 (Chapter 54, Statutes of 2023)  
Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program funds and $5,578,258 in SB 1 (Chapter 5,  
Statutes of 2017) State of Good Repair funds from fiscal year 2024-25 for the  
construction phase of the San Juan Creek Bridge Replacement Project.  
Authorize staff to process all necessary amendments to the Federal Transportation  
Improvement Program and execute or amend all necessary agreements to facilitate  
the above actions.  
Amend the Orange County Transportation Authority’s Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget  
by $22,578,258 to accommodate the additional budget needed for the San Juan  
Creek Bridge Replacement Project.  
Interstate 405 Improvement Project Update  
Jeff Mills/James G. Beil  
The Orange County Transportation Authority is currently underway with the implementation  
of the Interstate 405 Improvement Project. This report provides a project update.  
Receive and file as an information item.  
Discussion Items  
Draft Connect SoCal 2024 Overview  
Gregory Nord/Kia Mortazavi  
Kome Ajise, Executive Director at the Southern California Association of Governments will  
present an overview of the draft Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable  
Communities Strategy, Connect SoCal 2024.  
Public Comments  
Chief Executive Officer's Report  
Directors’ Reports  
The next regularly scheduled meeting of this Board will be held:  
9:00 a.m., on Monday, December 11, 2023  
OCTA Headquarters  
Board Room  
550 South Main Street  
Orange, California