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Meeting Name: Board Agenda status: FINAL
Meeting date/time: 6/13/2022 9:00 AM Minutes status: FINAL  
Meeting location: Board Room
Published agenda: 06.13.22 Board Agenda 06.13.22 Board Agenda Agenda Packet: 06.13.22 Board Agenda Packet - Revised 06.13.22 Board Agenda Packet - Revised  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo/Audio
22-4188 1.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemPublic Hearing on Orange County Transportation Authority’s Fiscal Year 2022-23 Budget and Personnel and Salary Resolutionapproved and passed  Action details Not available
22-4187 2.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemApproval of Minutesapproved and passed  Action details Not available
22-4165 3.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemAmendment to Cooperative Agreement with the County of Orange, Orange County Sheriff's Departmentapproved and passed  Action details Not available
22-4226 4.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemAmendments to the Cooperative User Fee Processing Agreement for Interoperable Toll Processing and Revenue Collectionapproved and passed  Action details Not available
22-4204 5.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemAgreement for Treasury Management Software Systemapproved and passed  Action details Not available
22-4190 6.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemResolution to Establish the Orange County Transportation Authority General Fund Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2022-23approved and passed  Action details Not available
22-4193 7.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemOrange County Transportation Authority Investment and Debt Programs Report - April 2022approved and passed  Action details Not available
22-4235 8.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemFiscal Year 2021-22 Third Quarter Budget Status Reportapproved and passed  Action details Not available
22-4194 9.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemAnnual Update to Investment Policyapproved and passed  Action details Not available
22-4135 10.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemAmendment to Agreement for Information Technology Contract Technical Staffingapproved and passed  Action details Not available
22-4236 11.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemSB 1196 (Umberg, D-Santa Ana) Updateapproved and passed  Action details Not available
22-4052 12.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemAmendment to Agreement for Medical Clinic Servicesapproved and passed  Action details Not available
22-4167 13.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemAgreement for Insurance Brokerage Servicesapproved and passed  Action details Not available
22-3815 14.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemRegional Planning Updateapproved and passed  Action details Not available
22-4196 15.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemGrant Acceptance for the Countywide Transportation Demand Management Strategic Planapproved and passed  Action details Not available
22-4183 16.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemCapital Programming Updateapproved and passed  Action details Not available
22-4078 17.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemActive Transportation Program Biannual Updateapproved and passed  Action details Not available
22-4068 18.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemDraft 2022 State Route 91 Implementation Planapproved and passed  Action details Not available
22-4180 19.Orange County Transit District ItemRadio Voice Over Internet Protocol Pilot for Paratransit Vehiclesapproved and passed  Action details Not available
22-4072 20.Orange County Transit District ItemBus Operations Performance Measurements Report for the Third Quarter of Fiscal Year 2021-22approved and passed  Action details Not available
22-4027 21.Orange County Local Transportation Authority ItemCooperative Agreement with the California Department of Transportation for the Interstate 5 Improvement Project Between Yale Avenue and State Route 55 and Authority to Acquire Right-of-Wayapproved and passed  Action details Not available
22-4131 22.Orange County Local Transportation Authority ItemAmendment to Cooperative Agreement with the California Department of Transportation for the Interstate 5 Improvement Project from Oso Parkway to Alicia Parkwayapproved and passed  Action details Not available
22-4189 23.Orange County Local Transportation Authority ItemResolution to Establish the Orange County Local Transportation Authority/Measure M2 Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2022-23approved and passed  Action details Not available
22-4192 24.Orange County Local Transportation Authority ItemEnvironmental Mitigation Program Endowment Fund Investment Report for March 31, 2022approved and passed  Action details Not available
22-3792 25.Orange County Local Transportation Authority ItemMeasure M2 Quarterly Progress Report for the Period of January 2022 Through March 2022approved and passed  Action details Not available
22-4064 26.Orange County Local Transportation Authority ItemMeasure M2 Environmental Mitigation Program Updateapproved and passed  Action details Not available
22-3871 27.Orange County Local Transportation Authority ItemMeasure M2 Eligibility Review Recommendations for Fiscal Year 2020-21 Expenditure Reportsapproved and passed  Action details Not available
22-3816 28.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemSouth Orange County Multimodal Transportation Study Updateapproved and passed  Action details Not available
22-4129 29.Orange County Local Transportation Authority ItemApproval to Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration Finding for the Orange County Maintenance Facility Projectapproved and passed  Action details Not available
22-3851 33.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemClosed Sessionapproved and passed  Action details Not available