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Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board Agenda status: FINAL
Meeting date/time: 12/9/2024 9:00 AM Minutes status: DRAFT  
Meeting location: Board Room
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Agenda Packet: Not available  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo/Audio
24-5805 1.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemClosed Session   Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-5832 2.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemSalute to Outgoing Orange County Transportation Authority Board of Directors   Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-5401 3.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemPresentation of Resolutions of Appreciation for Employees of the Month   Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-5783 4.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemPresentation of Resolutions of Appreciation for Participants of the Orange County Transportation Authority Employee Rotation Program   Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
23-5344 5.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemApproval of Minutes   Not available Not available
24-5887 6.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemPurchasing Cards, Internal Audit Report No. 25-505   Not available Not available
24-5886 7.Orange County Transportation Authority Item405 Express Lanes Update for the Period Ending September 30, 2024   Not available Not available
24-5670 8.Orange County Transportation Authority Item91 Express Lanes Update for the Period Ending - September 30, 2024   Not available Not available
24-5798 9.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemFirst Quarter Fiscal Year 2024-25 Procurement Status Report   Not available Not available
24-5420 10.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemFiscal Year 2024-25 First Quarter Grant Reimbursement Status Report   Not available Not available
24-5495 11.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemOrange County Transportation Authority Investment and Debt Programs Report - October 2024   Not available Not available
24-5875 12.Orange County Transportation Authority Item2025 Active Transportation Program Regional Project Prioritization Point Assignments for Orange County   Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-5802 13.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemState and Federal Grant Acceptance for the Coastal Rail Infrastructure Resiliency Project   Not available Not available
24-5873 14.Orange County Transit District ItemProposed Management Plan for the Administrative Headquarters Building   Not available Not available
24-5685 15.Orange County Local Transportation Authority ItemApproval to Release Request for Proposals for Construction Management Support Services for the Interstate 5 Improvement Project Between Yale Avenue and State Route 55   Not available Not available
24-5799 16.Orange County Local Transportation Authority ItemCooperative Agreement with the California Department of Transportation for the Interstate 5 Improvement Project Between Yale Avenue and State Route 55   Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-5819 17.Orange County Local Transportation Authority ItemAmendment to Agreement for Additional Design Services for State Route 91 Improvement Project Between State Route 55 and Lakeview Avenue   Not available Not available
24-5820 18.Orange County Local Transportation Authority ItemAmendment to Agreement for Additional Design Services for State Route 91 Improvement Project Between La Palma Avenue and State Route 55   Not available Not available
24-5822 19.Orange County Local Transportation Authority ItemAmendment to Cooperative Agreement with the City of Anaheim for the State Route 91 Improvement Project Between State Route 57 and State Route 55   Not available Not available
24-5849 20.Orange County Local Transportation Authority ItemAmendment to Cooperative Agreement with the California Department of Transportation for the State Route 91 Improvement Project Between State Route 55 and Lakeview Avenue   Not available Not available
24-5868 21.Orange County Local Transportation Authority ItemEnvironmental Mitigation Program Endowment Fund Investment Report for September 30, 2024   Not available Not available
23-5351 22.Orange County Local Transportation Authority ItemMeasure M2 Environmental Mitigation Program Update   Not available Not available
24-5375 23.Orange County Local Transportation Authority Item2025 Technical Steering Committee Membership   Not available Not available
24-5376 24.Orange County Local Transportation Authority ItemComprehensive Transportation Funding Programs Semi-Annual Review - September 2024   Not available Not available
24-5438 25.Orange County Local Transportation Authority ItemMeasure M2 Quarterly Progress Report for the Period July 2024 through September 2024   Not available Not available
24-5839 26.Orange County Local Transportation Authority ItemAgreement for Traffic Signal Improvements for Regional Traffic Signal Synchronization Program Projects   Not available Not available
24-5565 27.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemFiscal Year 2024-25 Proposed Comprehensive Business Plan   Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-5745 28.Orange County Transportation Authority Item2024 OC Transit Vision Progress Update   Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio
24-5867 29.Orange County Transportation Authority ItemPrinciples for 405 Express Lanes Excess Toll Revenue Policy and Expenditure Plan   Not available Video/Audio Video/Audio