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File #: 25-5946   
Type: Orange County Transportation Authority Item Status: Reported to Board - Regular
File created: 12/31/2024 In control: Regional Transportation Planning Committee
On agenda: 2/3/2025 Final action:
Title: Coastal Rail Resiliency Study Update
Sponsors: Dan Phu, Rose Casey
Attachments: 1. Transmittal, 2. Staff Report, 3. Attachment A, 4. Attachment B, 5. Attachment C, 6. Attachment D, 7. Presentation



Coastal Rail Resiliency Study Update



In response to emergency remedial actions that resulted in a nearly yearlong closure of the coastal rail line in south Orange County, Orange County Transportation Authority initiated the Coastal Rail Resiliency Study in fall 2023, focusing on both short- and mid-term solutions to protect the rail line and preserve rail operations. Through this study, staff has developed concepts that would protect the rail line in place for the foreseeable future, which is estimated to be up to 30 years. A separate study, led by the State of California, is anticipated to determine the feasibility of potentially relocating the rail line to an inland alignment. An update on the range of feasible concepts for the Coastal Rail Resiliency Study is discussed herein.



Direct staff to continue collaborating with key stakeholders to refine the range of feasible concepts and actively engage the public to solicit input on these concepts.