Agreement for Information Technology Contract Technical Staffing
On September 26, 2022, the Board of Directors authorized the release of a request for proposals for a firm to provide contract technical staffing for data warehouse administration, SharePoint administration, project management, help desk support, desktop support, network administration, and application support for the Information Systems Department. Proposals were received and evaluated in accordance with the Orange County Transportation Authority’s procurement procedures for professional and technical services. Board of Directors’ approval is requested to execute an agreement to provide these services.
A. Approve the selection of Intratek Computer, Inc., as the firm to provide contract staffing services for Information Technology technical positions.
B. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to negotiate and execute Agreement No. C-2-2746 between the Orange County Transportation Authority and Intratek Computer, Inc., in the amount of $23,621,941, for a five-year term effective July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2028, to provide contract technical staffing services for Information Technology technical positions.