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File #: 24-5871   
Type: Orange County Local Transportation Authority Item Status: Reported to Board - Regular
File created: 11/8/2024 In control: Regional Transportation Planning Committee
On agenda: 2/3/2025 Final action:
Title: Coastal Rail Stabilization Priority Project Update
Sponsors: Jason Lee, James G. Beil
Attachments: 1. Transmittal, 2. Staff Report, 3. Attachment A, 4. Attachment B, 5. Attachment C, 6. Presentation



Coastal Rail Stabilization Priority Project Update



On September 9, 2024, staff was directed by the Board of Directors to continue to engage the regulatory agencies to identify opportunities to streamline processes and obtain regulatory permits to immediately implement solutions identified through the Coastal Rail Resiliency Study Assessment. Staff has continued to coordinate with regulatory agencies, and develop and update the Coastal Rail Priority Stabilization Project to proceed into the environmental phase.



Direct staff to advance Reinforcement Areas (Areas 1 through 4) and complete the preliminary engineering/environmental phase to minimize additional rail closures.